New branding, Show Updates, Photos coming soon!

New branding, Show Updates, Photos coming soon!
Bloomington Creative Glass Center Grand Opening and Pumpkin Preview October 2018.
Send a gift card to friends and family or buy it now for your future use. For 2023, you'll get first dibs on any series I make! Requests welcome, no promises.
Where the cup gets emptied
So there is space to refill it tomorrow.
Discovering that art can be a medium for success, community, and fulfillment is surprising and delightful... making the challenges worth it. A lifetime of insatiable curiosity has lead me on a winding path of discovery and trials. The challenges of working with hot glass are helping me work on my focus and discipline, while giving me enough variety to keep my interest. The opportunities for collaboration and the people I have connected with are a great fit for the kind of projects I want to work on day to day. And of course, the excitement on people's faces when we start talking about glass is always a thrill. The fun and beauty glass art brings to people's lives, especially when they can also use their art daily, is simple, but powerful.
Hot glass found me and pulled me in to a team of people interested in working hard to build something amazing. On a micro-level we take a molten liquid and turn it into something useful or beautiful or weird or all of these. Working together in teams and on our own projects, we build a culture that appreciates careful attention to the things we use every day. Working with such a complex and challenging medium I learn things about myself and grow in unexpected ways.
Action Photo by Rebecca Caldwell
What isn't there to be inspired by? The stories of people. How you make decisions. What brings you joy.
I recharge sitting with close friends outside by water or fire, or snuggled cozily with a book and ideally, a furry friend. I find inspiration in the silence.
I live in the House of Gingers...where we don't answer questions...we say why...and ask why...and run out of Ys...There is inspiration in the chaos.
I'm filling my home with the virtues of feasting and pleasure and sensual delights!
I want to fill your home with these virtues too!
Inspiration often looks like something that just worked out that way and I decided I liked it.
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